A man who got kicked off a service because of an alleged remark.

  • When I installed digital locks my partner was paranoid about them until I reminded her that we live in a house with a lot of windows. If someone is going to the lengths to crack my lock rather than smashing my windows, we have other problems.

      •  azerial   ( @azerial@lemmy.dbzer0.com ) 
        1 year ago

        Lol this. Everyone’s so paranoid with locks, this only makes sense if you live in a concrete bunker. Also, if they want to get in, they will. Self housing and using devices that are patched and communicate locally is the way. The only issue with this is you have to be on top of your system and ensure it’s patched and up to date, but wouldn’t you oil your manual lock occasionally?

        edit: added clarification

      • My threat model doesn’t need to include people hacking my locks. The average junkie breaking into my house to steal shit isnt doing it with the blessing of some hacking group. There are no cat-burgulars coming for my collection of antique dildos. I can definitely understand not e-locks for a museum or a bank, but they use integrated security systems that are far out of reach of home users. Another point is that the tumblers in most home door locks are trivial to pick, more trivial than hacking an e-lock.