if you haven’t introduced yourself already, please feel free to do so

  • Hi, im a redditor. Probably won’t be for long though.

    Im a c# and typescript developer, computer enthusiast, avid book and comic reader, and a fantasy and scifi fan. Im very introverted and agoraphobic, unskilled at social stuff, badly overweight and less-than-optimally-active, and just started on anti-depressants. Other than that im an utterly boring person.

    • Ahhhh I know the pain bud, I’ve struggled with that myself as well, in a better spot than I was though still a bit of derp. Felt like I was a complete snoozefest of a person and that I was pretty unlikeable, depression is a total bitch like that.

      Don’t mean you’re a boring person though, like it seems you enjoy a nice mix of stuff and there ain’t no shortage of folk on here who dig things like programming, comics, etc as well on here and folk are pretty chill and welcoming from what I’ve seen so far too.

      Credit where credit is due though, its a really difficult thing trying to live your life with depression hanging over you, but hey you’ve still gone and made a post and are starting on anti-depressants, these are some pretty awesome big steps even if they don’t particular feel like it right now :)

    •  TMoney   ( @TMoney@beehaw.org ) 
      21 year ago

      Oh fun, another C# dev. I don’t do much C# anymore due to job direction but it’s my favorite language hands down. What kind of dev do you do? I’m mostly in the cloud these days doing backend stuff.

      •  emptyother   ( @emptyother@beehaw.org ) 
        1 year ago

        What kind of dev don’t I do? At work we are building a webapp for making exercise programs. I’m working with C# and VB (both .net framework and .net 7), Typescript (frontend), Javascript (EmberJs mostly), some PHP (our old CRM system), Azure and MySQL administration, Azure VM Windows and Linux administration, and devops. So very much fullstack. Its a small company so it used to be only me and the CTO doing dev. Luckily we’ve gotten more good developers the last few years and now we’re 7 devs.

        Private I’m doing powershell stuff. Sometimes typescript stuff. I used to do a bit of gamedev but not much anymore.