a bit of a late post today but i’ve been exceedingly busy working on some important stuff on the side and that’s taken up most of my time. things are going pretty good currently and are generally productive.

    • There’s not so much a limit to dives per day but there are depth/time limits to give your body a chance to desaturate from nitrogen build up.

      There’s also a time limit for exposure to compressed oxygen which comes in to play sometimes.

      I spent about 3 hours and 45 minutes yesterday under water over the course of 5 dives. And most of it was between 70 and 100 feet. Each dive had about 2 hours between them to allow for that desaturation. I probably could have done another 40 minute dive if the boat had it scheduled, but 5 is really enough in a day.

      To limit that nitrogen exposure, I was breathing a mix of nitrogen and oxygen that has more oxygen included called enriched air nitrox. It allows me to dive more throughout the day, but the increase of oxygen comes with the downside of limiting my depth.