So, I recently went to a concert where they showed music videos before their gig. One that kind of got stuck in my head was a sort of weird one where three singers were inside a large glowing frame of a box while various people with different kinds of costumes danced around them (like e.g. a group of matadors). It was shot in one take, so no cuts. Music style was some kind of electronic. Do you have an idea what music video that could have been? I already tried Google and chatgpt, no success so far.

/Update: I found it!

Found that somebody had set up a Spotify Playlist with all the tracks used for the pre-concert show of the current tour of that band. The one I was looking for was “tiger is coming” by Leenalchi and the video I was looking for can be found at

  • Asian electronic music with three singers makes me think Perfume. They’ve had a few one-take videos, and it’s not exactly what you said, but the one that sounds closest to what you’re saying is Time Warp, which recently came out. What concert were you at anyway?

    • It was A Deichkind concert.

      Checked perfume but that wasn’t it… But I just found the one I was looking for, see my updated text above. Still, thanks for the link, that one was terrific as well!