All the time I have people come in to work wearing a mask, which is fine normally, good for them, but they are wearing them on their chin, chin diaper style. Not covering up anything. Or at best just their mouth, sometimes. Nobody is making these people wear a mask anymore, so why are they doing it at all if they are just going to do it wrong? Is it an attempt at a political statement? A lack of education? I end up baffled for a while every time I see one of these people.

  • Everyone’s different. Personally when I wear a mask I can’t see since it fogs up my glasses within a few seconds, and therefore I can’t really function as a normal human being. My partner can’t breathe properly while wearing a mask - which is even worse.

    If you compound that with the fact that you’re wearing a mask because you’re sick… then the mask makes an already unpleasant day 10x worse.

    For us - if the choice is wear a mask or stay home, we’ll both just stay home (or at least away from public indoor spaces). We did that all of last week. Cost thousands of dollars since we had to take unpaid leave from work - but we’d rather do that than wear a mask.