All the time I have people come in to work wearing a mask, which is fine normally, good for them, but they are wearing them on their chin, chin diaper style. Not covering up anything. Or at best just their mouth, sometimes. Nobody is making these people wear a mask anymore, so why are they doing it at all if they are just going to do it wrong? Is it an attempt at a political statement? A lack of education? I end up baffled for a while every time I see one of these people.

  • I have no idea what the numbers are today, if people here are still dying. I doubt it,

    The numbers are available. Official count (by the WHO) is a few hundred deaths a day globally and dozens of deaths per day in the EU.

    Keep in mind those numbers are probably not accurate, since they’re coming from unreliable sources (I would think the EU number is more accurate than most of the world though).

    Several months ago there was a wave that peaked at 41,000 deaths per day. We definitely need to keep a finger on the pulse incase another wave like that rises up. In the height of the pandemic restrictions the death rate was more like a hundred thousand deaths per day (and that wasn’t a peak of a single wave, it was around that high for a year).