“my, my! humans! so aggressive.”

rape, murder, nukes, war, torture, power, seemingly unlimited greed…

why don’t i have that insatiable drive?

can’t all be how i was raised, can it?

do you know of any studies or philosophical insights?

thx! 🙂

  • I am aware that we are in democratic decline, one would need to be completely disconnected from reality to not realise that, which is why it is important to fight for it. But abolition of the police means there won’t be a way to enforce laws. The corrupt police force must be reformed, and bad cops fired or jailed. A lot of crimes can be prevented by improving people’s material conditions, and education, but there will still be crime and violence, and for that we still need some police force, though at a reduced capacity.

    • The police were founded in 1829. We managed without them just fine before they were founded and we will manage just fine after. I’d propose the creation of a voluntary group of people with no powers beyond that of any other person, but who take some time out of their day to keep watch and deal with any issues that crop up. The overwhelming majority of crime is caused by poverty as you rightly said so there’s likely very little that they would have to deal with.