• Amazing, thank you for the detailed reply! I’ll definitely check out Planta - right now I just have scheduled reminders on my phone but they’re not really helping so far. Thankfully I think most of my plants are ok with a leetle neglect, and I’m… letting my Rufibarba go because we’re just not a good fit. 😅

    • Hahah, I’ve killed two rufibarbas. My first one was due to a draft in the windows and the other one came with mites, and it was so bad I didn’t want to f with it. I’m on my third and it’s been a good relationship for about a year now :) they like humidity and their soil to stay very slightly damp-ish. I’ve noticed they don’t do well in an area on their own…grouping plants helps here with the humidity, and calatheas are little drama queens so if you get another one, good luck!