• Ignore the backlog. Backlogs are a mental hangup, they are not a moral imperative.

    About a year ago I just gave myself permission to start and stop games at will. 10 seconds. 10 minutes. 10 hours. Didn’t matter. If i moved on, I moved on. Let me tell you it has been a treat. I have discovered more games and I’ve played plenty of games 40 or 50% through and felt like I got what I needed out of it. Gamepass has been fantastic for this as well. I just view it as demos almost.

    We don’t force ourselves to finish bad seasons of shows (unless we’re REALLY committed to the show). Why should we force ourselves to burn 20-40hrs on a campaign or whatever we just don’t care about? You’re not getting your money back, and you’re certainly not getting your money’s worth.

    • This is some great advice. I need to try and remember that I don’t need to complete every game. I bought them for entertainment and there’s no point continuing if I’m burnt out!

      • I had someone say the same thing to me and dude I cannot express how much better things are.

        Hell the other night I “wanted” to play BG3 - put over 100hrs in. After an hour I was like “I haven’t paid attention to ANYTHING this past hour and I’m bored as hell.” Taking a few days off. Maybe I’ll go back, maybe I won’t.