• Is part of the problem the nature of the goal maybe? 8 hours is a long timeframe even for neurotypical folk. Maybe work your way up to it, especially while you’re adjusting to new meds?

    Feel free to ignore me though, I know you weren’t looking for advice.

    •  Ignacio [he/him]   ( @Ignacio@beehaw.org ) 
      9 months ago

      It’s OK, I won’t complain (yet :P ). The problem was more the time when I take medications. Both Concerta and atomoxetine, I took them at breakfast, let’s say between 7 and 8. Concerta wore off at 18, 19 or 20, it depended on the day, but sometimes I needed more time to do my stuff, until 22, and I felt upset because of that.

      Atomoxetine starts fully working after weeks or months. But it works for 24 hours, so I can control when I start and when I stop doing my stuff.

      Besides, I didn’t take Concerta during weekends, which was good at that moment, but not always. Being a student has some circumstances. I stopped taking that pill in March, when I started atomoxetine.