• If you buy one of them you basically already can do most of what the other one can.

    But that’s the point, they aren’t even remotely similar. The only similarity is that they are headsets, but they couldn’t be more different functionally.

    It’s kinda like comparing a Honda Civic to a Ferrari.

    More like comparing a Honda Civic to an airplane. Both have wheels, but that’s where the similarities end. They aren’t even in the same market.

    The Vision Pro isn’t competing with the Quest, it’s competing with the MacBook Pro and iMac.

        • They both have AR and Spatial Computing capabilities at varying quality. They are both a set of lenses, a depth sensor, some cameras, and some screens, nothing more nothing less. Cars have wheels and planes have wings, that’s not an apt comparison.

          • Allowing you to “do AR” is very different than having AR that even 10% of the planet can use without vomiting. Nobody is actually going to actually use the quest for AR. It’s not remotely close to the bare minimum to actually function. People who try for more than 10 seconds at a time will vomit. Repeatedly.

            And that’s before the fact that it doesn’t have the resolution for text, nullifying almost all of the utility the Vision Pro has.

              • With extremely low quality, high latency passthrough? They shouldn’t even be allowed to call it AR without criminal charges for fraud. It’s not remotely close.

                You can read giant text on your Oculus 2. You can’t read a virtual monitor placed among other windows in 3D space. The resolution for that to be possible does not exist. Most of the things that aren’t straight video feeds or gaming that people are talking about using the Vision Pro for aren’t “lower quality” on the Quest. They’re straight up impossible because there are absolute bare minimum thresholds for display quality and the Quest 3 is way too low. It’s gaming, maybe (though given the fact that Facebook is absolute dogshit at getting content, probably actually not) media consumption, and nothing else.