This is probably just a lack of fundamental understanding on my part but some communities I want to subscribe to; I’ll hit the sub button, it won’t change status for a while, I’ll refresh and it’ll say “Subscribe Pending”

A couple communities have been stuck like this for a day or so now. But other communities I’ll mash the sub button a bit more then it’ll switch over to “Joined”

Can communities be setup such that subscribers have to be approved by a comm mod or has my subscription request fallen into the void on the backend somewhere and I should try to subscribe again?

Thanks for any clarifications about this!

    • Dude, you are a rockstar! No, just a shorter password. It’s just not saving on the reset password page. One thing to consider is that I used a gmail address, and from my own experience on my instance gmail causes some issues.

      Would be great to finally get this resolved though. I will look for your reset email and try it again.

      Same result, the new password is never saved, just a spinning loading icon once the button is clicked.

      • I’ve just tried the link and managed to reset your password. Obviously, I will not share that password because I can’t verify your identity but I’d recommend trying the “forgot password” button again. If it still doesn’t work, I’d recommend checking your browser settings and/or trying a private window or something of the like to avoid possibly problematic extensions.

        • OK, I tried the forgot password flow again, and this time opened the reset password link in Chrome in an incognito window. I still had the same result, where the save button turned to a loading icon and never completed.

          Looking at the network tab I’m not seeing a request I can trace when the save button is clicked, which could indicate something server side going on, maybe?