•  funkajunk   ( @funkajunk@lemm.ee ) 
    29 months ago

    If you are also an adult, I don’t think big/little brother matters any more. I’m also 6’1" & 220 lbs., so I haven’t been called “little” in a very long time.

    Hit me with your craziest, hottest take - I can handle it!

    • I always wanted a big brother, though! I quickly checked your profile and saw you mentioned mid 30s, which makes you a little older than me, so I guess wish granted… although I am 6’4" and closer to 250lbs, so I guess we’re both big brothers-es. :P

      Hit me with your craziest, hottest take - I can handle it!

      It’s probably against the rules of this community and potentially against the law, so I’ll just say that I disagree with a value which Gandhi and Martin Luther King share, and that I agree with some, but not all, of Malcolm X’s beliefs.