•  vamp07   ( @vamp07@lemm.ee ) 
    21 year ago

    Well, I’m not so sure about that. If you take that wealth and let the government decide how to spend it, you are assuming it will reach those who need it. I’m not so sure that is the case.

    •  Izzy   ( @IzzyData@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 year ago

      In the current US it would probably go to an even more bloated military budget or other ridiculous projects to line the pockets of people with government connections.

      I think the idea is more a long the lines of paying workers more. Instead of shareholders and executives holding 99% of the value of a corporation the workers would take home a much larger portion. Who knows how well that would actually work in practice. Either way I’d prefer multi-billionares forfeit all their wealth exceeding a billion and give it to the government than doing nothing at all. Maybe at least “some” of that could be spent on social programs such as healthcare.

      •  vamp07   ( @vamp07@lemm.ee ) 
        21 year ago

        Well I suspect we are looking at this problem through a very simple lens. The billionaires are not necessarily using that money. It is out there being invested and also being loaned out to start new businesses startups etc. if you just handed it to the government assuming it will be better spent or invested is a big leap.