•  Izzy   ( @IzzyData@lemmy.ml ) 
        31 year ago

        I don’t agree with that. I’m personally completely fine with millionaires or perhaps even 100 millions. Like there should be a social safety net at the bottom there should be a social safety limit at the top even if it is very high and more wealth than anyone could reasonably need. Because beyond that point it’s not they are just getting more wealthy. Everyone else is getting poorer for it.

        •  vamp07   ( @vamp07@lemm.ee ) 
          21 year ago

          Well, I’m not so sure about that. If you take that wealth and let the government decide how to spend it, you are assuming it will reach those who need it. I’m not so sure that is the case.

          •  Izzy   ( @IzzyData@lemmy.ml ) 
            1 year ago

            In the current US it would probably go to an even more bloated military budget or other ridiculous projects to line the pockets of people with government connections.

            I think the idea is more a long the lines of paying workers more. Instead of shareholders and executives holding 99% of the value of a corporation the workers would take home a much larger portion. Who knows how well that would actually work in practice. Either way I’d prefer multi-billionares forfeit all their wealth exceeding a billion and give it to the government than doing nothing at all. Maybe at least “some” of that could be spent on social programs such as healthcare.

            •  vamp07   ( @vamp07@lemm.ee ) 
              21 year ago

              Well I suspect we are looking at this problem through a very simple lens. The billionaires are not necessarily using that money. It is out there being invested and also being loaned out to start new businesses startups etc. if you just handed it to the government assuming it will be better spent or invested is a big leap.

  • Wealth taxes are stupid. That said, nobody needs multiple hundreds of billions of dollars.

    The solution is to have regulations and laws in place that prevent them getting this large in the first place. The fact that Amazon and Google own 90% of the internet is absolutely fucked.

  • Counterpoint: But they don’t wanna pay taxes! They don’t wannaaaaaaaaaaa… why are you being so mean to the precious billionaires?

    So there are irreconcilable issues on this issue and Congress is currently too busy trying to impeach Biden because his son had dick pics on his laptop.

  •  Blapoo   ( @Blapoo@lemmy.ml ) 
    101 year ago

    I’d be willing to be taxed into oblivion if I knew it’d mean everyone else could lead full lives. And I make nothing.

    Now imagine the good their excess wealth could do.

  • Here’s the basic idea of what I’d think is fair

    You have a basic rate for income below the 20th percentile of all incomes

    Multiply that by 1.5 for income between that and the 40th percentile

    Multiply that by 1.25 for income between that and the 60th percentile

    Multiply that by 1.125 for income between that and the 80th percentile

    Multiply that by 1.0625 for income between that and the 95th percentile

    Multiply that by 1.03125 for income between that and the 99th percentile

    Multiply that by 1.015625 for all income above the 99th percentile, with the additional caveat that people who top this bracket even once cannot hold public office, donate to political campaigns, or hire lobbyists and lobbying firms for ten years following them topping out.

    Imagine something similar for taxes on units of housing owned, dividends earned, and so on and so forth.

    The idea being that the highest rate can’t be adjusted without significantly reducing the tax burden of the poorest, basically erasing the only way conservatives have been able to balance the books whenever they try that shit.

  •  Recant   ( @Recant@beehaw.org ) 
    41 year ago

    Why is it assumed that if the government has more money, then things will be better?

    The government is filled with inefficiency that will just be made worse by throwing more money at the issue. Americans are not getting value out of their taxes.

    Americans have record low confidence in congress and many officials in government (Supreme Court). Why would we give them more money when they, congress in particular, is responsible for setting the budget?

      •  Recant   ( @Recant@beehaw.org ) 
        21 year ago

        Should billionaires make as much as they do? No

        However just taxing them doesn’t get rid of the root issue. It just addresses a symptom.

        We should break up the companies that enable billionaires to exist, stimulate competition, raise the minimum wage, put bounds on CEO bonuses, and limit executive pay to a reasonable ratio when compared to the lowest paid worker in the corporation.

    • The reason for a tax isn’t to give the government money to spend, it already has the ability to spend infinite money for all intents and purposes. The taxation is there to destroy some part of that money to sort of balance the money supply after the fact.

      This way of thinking about tax also makes very obvious that taxing income might make the least amount of sense and taxing wealt and transactions, probably is the more reasonable way to go.

      The government in the us is obviously innefective but it’s not going to get better by withholding it’s spending money, in fact I’m fairly certain that for almost all government agencies in the US the requirements the law asks of them are largely impossible to hit on their current budget. Sure maybe the regulation could be easier and the oversight requirements less strict, but reducing the budget (except for military and police) wouldn’t help any of the problems that exist when interfacing with these government agencies today, it’d just make them worse

      • There’s also the fact that Americans have record low confidence in the government as a direct result of the actions of the people who give their billionaire friends tax cuts year after year and make it up by raising taxes for everybody else.

    •  qfjp   ( @qfjp@lemmy.one ) 
      31 year ago

      well, the top 25 wealthiest americans are together worth about 1.8 trillion, which according to your clock is just about the federal budget deficit and a third of federal spending. The numbers OP gave assume a tax rate of 3% which is already fairly substantial (it would be 3% of the deficit), but we could always raise that number if you feel fit isn’t enough.

      • I’ll do you one better. Even if you take ALL their money, that’s less than 6 months budget. You steal it from them, spend it in a few months, and you’re back where you started in no time. It doesn’t fix anything or change anything, but introduces tremendous problems (like inflation).

        And besides that and completely ignoring all these direct problems, these assets are not even liquid (Surprise surprise, Jeff Bezos doesn’t store $5B in his safe). So, in order to cash them out, you’re gonna have to sell them on the open markets, crash the stock markets, crash real estate markets, etc, which will lead to much higher unemployment, and pension funds will be destroyed (just like in 2008), and millions will go bankrupt. And all this even ignores that the net worth you’re assigning to them ignores slippage, so it’s much less than 1.8 Trillion when sold on the open market, ignoring automated bots that will sell even more to protect their hedge funds.

        Yes, let’s do all that destruction in the economy just for 6 months worth of spending. Great plan!

        Like I always say: A bunch of ignorant, uneducated, stupid and entitled teenagers who don’t know anything about the economy want to decide how the economy works. Go read a book, and stop telling us how to run the world before you learn how the world works. Go learn, and your realistic suggestions are welcome. We all want a better world.

        •  qfjp   ( @qfjp@lemmy.one ) 
          21 year ago

          I’ll do you one better. Even if you take ALL their money, that’s less than 6 months budget.

          You’re completely missing the point. There are more than just 3 billionaires in the US. There are more than even 25 billionaires in the US.

          You steal it from them, spend it in a few months, and you’re back where you started.

          You’re the only one here talking about seizing their entire estate. So sure, your plan is bad, let’s not do it that way.

          Like I always say: a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, stupid and entitled teenagers who don’t know anything about the economy want to decide how the economy works.

          Dude, you’re talking to two people who are counting billionaires. This weird 'dumb teenager ’ fantasy is all you.

          • Make a better calculation then come back, and stop criticizing examples. If you understand statistics, you’ll see why whether 25 or 50 billionaires doesn’t make much of a difference. They all mostly follow inverse function distribution in wealth. There’s a law for it, forgot the name. So, no matter what amount you scrape from the top, it won’t make a difference.

            Again, ignorance in real world phenomenon and attempts to talk policy. Please stop! Read a book!

            •  qfjp   ( @qfjp@lemmy.one ) 
              21 year ago

              come back, and stop criticizing examples

              I’ll do that as soon as you define an “inverse function distribution” and give me the name of this “law”.

              No matter what amount you scrape from.the top, it won’t make a difference

              Patently false. The fact that any taxes work is an obvious counterexample, cause in our progressive tax system they “come from the top”

              Please stop! Read a book!

              Well you give up quickly. Why don’t you go back and find the name of your law, and then I can give you a reading list.

              • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf's_law

                “Taxes” are not taken from the richest rich as proposed by this dumb OP’s post. That’s why you’re wrong. What a stupid comment you made!

                So are you gonna shut up now? Go read a book.

                Edit: Because I know you’ll start barking anyway, I decided to fit the data of the top 100 billionaires to an inverse function. Now go read a book and learn how nature works.

                Source of the data for 2023 billionaires: https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/

                •  qfjp   ( @qfjp@lemmy.one ) 
                  1 year ago

                  Learn to read, I said they “come from the top,” not the richest. Below a certain income, we don’t tax so what I said is tautologically true.

                  I’m familiar with Zipf’s law, and what it means in this case is that if you have a distribution of people sorted by wealth, the wealthy are MUCH wealthier than the poor, or worded in the direction of the law the poorest will have money proportional to the reciprocal of the size of the population. You know what that means? It means the wealthy are THE ONLY GROUP that can bear the tax burden.

                  The more you insist that I should read a book, the more it sounds like you haven’t read any. But keep talking, eventually you’ll understand the implications of what you’re saying.

  •  vamp07   ( @vamp07@lemm.ee ) 
    21 year ago

    I agree we should have a more progressive tax. The problem is fair is a relative term. When is fair fair enough? The fact is the underlying problem is overspending and no amount of “fair” increases to the tax rate is going to solve that problem.

      •  vamp07   ( @vamp07@lemm.ee ) 
        21 year ago

        I completely agree. At this point, I really just don’t understand the Republican party. I’m somebody that has always considered myself to be on the side of smaller government and conservative in general but this Republican party does not represent me.