• who gains from making up a new definition of fascism? why do you want people to be ignorant?

      know thy enemy.

      I’m not nitpicking here, I’m not being pedantic, your article didn’t even vaguely touch on what fascism is. Maybe the underlying article did, but I’m having trouble imagining what the point is.

        • where the fuck do you see me defednding fascists?

          does it piss you off that you don’t have any response to anything I’ve actually said? does it piss you off to discover that this publication you like just published a point it didn’t understand at all? does it piss you off to see a person argue that we should attack terfs for being terfs and fascists for being fascists and not just assume that all bad people are the same kind of bad person?

          is that why you’re afraid to read any of my comments?