Hi bees. I recently was looking around for info about hip growth and hrt, and read that it may happen, but even if then not really noticible. However for like a week now I feel my hips hurt, like substencialy and they give me trouble walking, stadning and stuff and even sleeping. And I am almost sure it is growth. But isnt it too painful? Should it be that way, and can I ease it somehow?


I have noticed that when I walk and sway my hips more it is less painful to walk, but it takes getting used to

Thanks in advace :3

  • My hips have also been hurting for about a year or so and I’m 2 years on HRT. I didn’t know that it might be caused by HRT. Do you mean the skeleton itself widens? Do you have any additional reading I could look into on this topic?

    I’m also taking medication for ADHD which causes muscle tension and dehydration so my calves are always so tight and I get charlie horses like crazy but that’s something else entirely… lol I just mean my entire lower half is in bad shape but I’d love to know if my hips are something I can fix or at least alleviate some of the aching.