• The sad reality most of us who comment on social media and forums forget is we are just a vocal minority, majority of consumers don’t care for these outrages unfortunately. If the end product works good enough for most people then they will keep it/use it.

    • Yep, already seeing in the family, people having to pay for their own sub now that netflix is cracking on password sharing

      They knew they’d face backlash with this decision, but the average person just want to turn on the TV and watch something, so they’d keep paying for that instead of suddenly learning how to pirate things, or move on to other streaming services

      It’s a short term measure. Long term is: will it have enough exclusive content that makes it worth it?

      • It seems that business has gone the way where, as long as you keep making profit, who cares if you have less customers? It’s such a backwards way of thinking when you actually apply it to reality. I wish I could find the article, but I remember there being a discussion about the trust threshold for businesses. Where, a business who constantly pulls moves like this makes more and more money out of fewer customers, until they suddenly pass a threshold of trust, and BAM! It all falls down.

        Ofc, I know, it’s capitalism. The endless pursuit of profit and the expense of all else. It’s just… Exhausting to see it happen everywhere.