• I spend my cis-ass time helping progressives avoid ignorant people like you who are helping terfs and fascists recruit. I spend my cis-ass time attacking terfs and fascists.

    the worst thing you can do to a terf is tell the truth. The worst thing you can do to a fascist is tell the truth. They have no defense against the truth. Their ideas are genuinely that bad.

    But when you lie, they party in the streets—that’s their whole recruitment model. They say “look, libtards call us fascists just because we don’t believe (insert some strawman version of the lies terfs tell),” and they laugh about how many “moderate” votes you gained them in their swing states.

    I hope my fellow progressives don’t think your ignorance is the norm among progressives.

      • Why are you using the N word?

        I’m not talking to a group, I’m talking to a dumbass.

        As a Jew, I feel fairly entitled to talk about fascism, and fairly entitled to be upset when people say insert group of assholes are Fascists without any understanding whatsoever of any definition of Fascism beyond “government.” I do, in fact, have a stake in how you lie about my oppressors.

        But it’s also perfectly reasonable for me to be upset when you lie about your oppressors and try to trick trans people and allies like me into believing your lies. Why are you so strongly opposed to the truth?