Hi bees. I recently was looking around for info about hip growth and hrt, and read that it may happen, but even if then not really noticible. However for like a week now I feel my hips hurt, like substencialy and they give me trouble walking, stadning and stuff and even sleeping. And I am almost sure it is growth. But isnt it too painful? Should it be that way, and can I ease it somehow?


I have noticed that when I walk and sway my hips more it is less painful to walk, but it takes getting used to

Thanks in advace :3

    • It takes time to get over those feelings. I find it helps to remember that most people are very self-centered and in their own little world. They’ll take anything they can get to confirm whatever they assumed about your gender. Let’s say you’re androgynous but wearing a skirt and have long hair. They’ll see someone with a skirt and long hair from behind. You turn around, and your face is feminine and maybe wearing makeup. OK, there’s some confirmation, definitely a woman. Then you open your mouth to speak. Your voice training has been going great and you sound lovely. Even more confirmation. They’re not looking at your shoulders. They will actively ignore any peach fuzz or facial hair, because that can happen to cis women. They’ll even ignore narrow hips and small underdeveloped boobs. Because they already got confirmation of your gender, they don’t want to spend any more effort thinking about it, and will move on as fast as they can.