• Apart from the warrantless video surveillance it is even more insidious than that. Read up on Amazon Sidewalk. Amazon is trying to grow its Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh network. The exact details of how it works are of course proprietary and black box. But what we do know is it can amount to a side network that isn’t transparent to the actual owner of the device, nor can you manage or block any of the traffic at your router (its a discrete network). You can opt your devices out manually, which I would recommend doing if you actually use any Ring or Echo products.

    • Amazon Sidewalk

      I just looked it up. How extremely creepy. My brother just put some ring cameras in his house. I’ll show him how to disable this tomorrow. It’s just evil that it’s not opt-in.

      Every day, I feel better about my decision to quit Prime and distance myself from this awful corporation.