•  Ludrol   ( @Ludrol@szmer.info ) 
    9 months ago

    When I read the manga in russian (my third language) some nuanced plot points got over my head so I am very much enjoying discovering motivations behind the behaviours of characters.

    So frieren had changed in time that she thought was insignificant. Fern on the other hand had spend half her life with the elf and I think it had bad influence on her emotional growth.

    As always animation is gorgeous.

    Dragon destroying the city

    Frieren looking at the cavity carved into the rock

    • You bring up an interesting point that I hadn’t really thought of before. The fact that Fern is being raised through her adolescence by Frieren must have an impact on her. Frieren does not really seem like the type to be emotionally supportive as Fern is dealing with a tumultuous world around her on this journey. It would probably make Fern a bit weird to other humans as she has certainly picked up aspects of Frieren’s personality that have rubbed off onto her (just like Fern has influenced Frieren).