• I’m in love with this show, so I went out and bought all 11 volumes of the manga yesterday. I’m surprised how faithful it is. Like, actually, literally almost every shot, every line is the same. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a studio do that. But I gotta say, the cast nails it in the show. Every hits a little harder, and feels a bit more “real”.

    • That is the thing I have been most pleasantly surprised by the production of this show. They have really devoted a lot of time and budget to a show that is not in a typically super well performing genre. In an alternate universe, it is easy to see how this show is produced in a way that flies at a breakneck pace through the story and doesn’t have even close to the same emotional impact as things are stripped for time.

      So far, this has been the best adaptation I could have dreamed for. It helps that the source material is excellent to start with. Enjoy the manga! It’s a really special one.

      • Oh gods yes, usually it’d be something that blows through the whole story in 10~12 eps and is quickly forgotten about. I guess it helps that the manga was quite popular, so they knew they’d have a hit if they stayed true to the source. Finished book 2, I can definitely see why this story struck a chord with people now.

    • And it’s not just simply faithful. It isn’t a simple copy of the manga. Everything that differentiates anime from a manga is being used really well here and really adds worth to watching it even if you’ve already read it in the manga.

  •  wjs018   ( @wjs018@lemmy.ml ) OP
    9 months ago

    It’s great to see Frieren recognizing that she has changed since the last time she fought one of those monsters and illusory Himmel was such a bro to make it easy for her to blast him. I think it is a bit unfair to criticize Fern for freezing up fighting a monster when she did just fine against Qual when he was unsealed. Looking forward to seeing the party fully assembled and some action next episode.

    Also, the OP has grown on me a bit since last week. It’s not my favorite ever, but it is pretty good, especially paired with great visuals. The ED is amazing though.

    • I think it is a bit unfair to criticize Fern for freezing up fighting a monster when she did just fine against Qual

      I think its more she’s telling Fern to be less judgemental for Stark. He has no experience and when she had none either, Fern also froze. She was experienced by the time she got to Qual.

      • I think you are right. I had thought at first that Frieren was referencing Fern hesitating against Illusion-Heiter with this comment. However, it stands to reason that Fern had fought monsters on her journey with Frieren before fighting Qual. I think it would be especially cruel to have Qual be the first non-training fight you make your student experience.

  •  Ludrol   ( @Ludrol@szmer.info ) 
    9 months ago

    When I read the manga in russian (my third language) some nuanced plot points got over my head so I am very much enjoying discovering motivations behind the behaviours of characters.

    So frieren had changed in time that she thought was insignificant. Fern on the other hand had spend half her life with the elf and I think it had bad influence on her emotional growth.

    As always animation is gorgeous.

    Dragon destroying the city

    Frieren looking at the cavity carved into the rock

    • You bring up an interesting point that I hadn’t really thought of before. The fact that Fern is being raised through her adolescence by Frieren must have an impact on her. Frieren does not really seem like the type to be emotionally supportive as Fern is dealing with a tumultuous world around her on this journey. It would probably make Fern a bit weird to other humans as she has certainly picked up aspects of Frieren’s personality that have rubbed off onto her (just like Fern has influenced Frieren).

  • I just caught up from episode 1 and I love this anime. It’s genuinely so chill, pretty, and it has this sort of slightly melancholic, strongly nostalgic vibe weaved throughout each episode. I saw someone mention there’s 11 volumes of the manga, so I’d guess that means the entire thing will be adapted in 2 cours. I’m excited to see how the show progresses.

    •  wjs018   ( @wjs018@lemmy.ml ) OP
      29 months ago

      The manga is still ongoing, so don’t expect a conclusion. However, based on visuals and the OP, it looks like this season is getting pretty far through the source that exists. So, good news is that there is probably a future Frieren season. Bad news is that it might be a while (for humans, it won’t be long if you are an elf).