I get that it’s open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting

  • Neovim user here. Granted it takes some time to setup properly but it’s really fast with navigating through files, lsp functions and doing a search in thousands of files.

    I found vscode too slow and bloated for my taste.

    • Having come from full fat visual studio and using fairly fast machines VS code is a breeze to use.

      Though I can’t imagine it can compare to commandline stuff in that regard obviously

      Is there much reason to learn vim nowadays? I was under the impression it’s mostly around for people who got used to it back in the day

      • I’m in my 6th semester and use neovim so no it’s not mostly around for people who got used to it back in the day. A lot of my fellow students use it as well. It’s the only editor I use because you can use it to edit a single file as well as a whole project and everything is always how I want it to be. Also once you get used to it I guarantee you, you will wonder how people navigate code only using mouse and the arrow keys. It is just a beauty to quickly copy a code block or change a word with 3 keystrokes.

      • For me personally I am most productive in Neovim. But if you can’t be arsed to fiddle around with config files to get things set up it’s probably not worth the effort.

        Use what works best for you.

        • I think I’ll probably end up doing it regardless because I have a weird urge to make everything as difficult and custom as possible

          Got used to gnome, finally got it just how I liked it then threw it out for hyprland