I get that it’s open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting

      • Google is perfect at getting rich by shipping disgusting 90% FOSS 10% Tracking software. Literally all their Android Apps are closed source tracking malware. AOSP gets nearly no attention. But yeah, good Platforms

        • Well, yes, the end products of GAFAM aren’t designed to respect users’ freedom, but rather to control them. That doesn’t mean we can’t extract the good parts of what they do and create user-respecting alternatives. Standard Android sucks but we have LineageOS and GrapheneOS, for example.

          A tool, like any human creation, is imbued with the agenda of its creators. The freedom to share and modify the tool is what allows the community to override the initial creator’s agenda. If free software comes with tracking malware the community will create a version without it. The community thus acts as a check against the power of the core developers.

          This is why I’m against blindly rejecting anything that GAFAM has contributed to, as long as there is a freedom-respecting community version available.

  • VSCode isn’t even that good, idk why people are obsessed with it.

    For anything compiled, Jetbrains beats it 100:1, and for anything interpreted it’s a couple tiers better than Kate.

    Personally, I won’t be losing sleep if I have to stop using VSCode.

      •  SteveTech   ( @SteveTech@programming.dev ) 
        9 months ago

        They have free ‘community editions’, I haven’t really found a need for a licence. I’ve only used IntelliJ, PyCharm, and ReSharper though.

        Edit: I meant rider but I was using a student licence for it anyway.

            • Your project needs to be at least 3 months old with regular commits of code files (text files, readmes, or any other non code don’t count). That’s pretty much it.

              I just went through the process, but since my project is only a month old, I got rejected. They told me to apply again in 2 months. My project is in Python, so I’m just using the community edition in the meantime, which is fine. I just really want the test code coverage feature of the paid version.

      •  sultry   ( @sultry@feddit.de ) 
        9 months ago

        Also, jetbrains shit is damn expensive

        Is it though? Considering the amount of time you spent in it and the potential productivity increase it might give you I’d consider it very fairly priced.

    • The thing is the VS code handles everything (with extensions). If I want to use pandoc, or CSV to markdown table, python linting, Go, whatever, there’s extensions that can handle all of these equally well and consistently, for example format on save.

      If I want to use jetbrains then the pycharm for python, intelliJ for Java, Goland for golang… Then there’s licencing depending on whether I’m using a personal licence or corporate laptop, whether I have to get a licence from my employer etc.

      For me it’s not so much that it’s so good, but that it works with everything in a consistent and obvious way plus I can install it on any machine I might be using.

    •  flashgnash   ( @flashgnash@lemm.ee ) OP
      9 months ago

      Jetbrains IDEs are not free though are they?

      I also quite like the light touch feel you get from code, I can use it for any language and am not going to have to navigate through hundreds of language specific features I don’t need unless I install them myself

      Kate might do similar but I can’t imagine the extension pool is big enough to compete and I think at that point I’d just use a commandline editor instead

      • Some are, the intellij java community edition is even open source. The paid ones are not too expensive, I pay around 200€ yearly for the all products pack and that’s definitely worth it for a professional developer. If you are a student or open source developer, you can apply for free versions also.

    • I use vscode because I do a lot of embedded.

      Used to be that you had to jump through some hoops to make it work - make your own makefiles and stuff. Now, all the major vendors of MCUs are starting to develop vscode plugins as their “IDE” instead of those horrible ultramodified eclipse installs.

    • I write small scripts in NeoVim and larger projects in VSCodium because it provides most of what I need and doesn’t consume a lot of resources. It’s a good tool, you can also use forks or alternatives, and i think that’s the spirit of open source, isn’t it?

      I also have been trying Kate, works greats and with even better performance.

  • My bigger problem is many swear on FLOSS, but using Apple is OK. Go to a FLOSS conference and there are Macs everywhere.

    It’s undeniable that Microsoft has had positive influences on the opensource world with language servers, debug adapter protocol, an inbrowser editor that is seemingly embedded in any website with a code editor, cross-platform C# (maybe that’s a curse though, I dunno), linux contributions, and probably more I’m not aware of. Apple… I dunno. Vendor lock-in and more electronic trash?

    •  alufers   ( @alufers@links.aa4.eu ) 
      9 months ago

      I am one of those people. I have a Macbook Air laptop, which I mainly use to remote into my Linux desktop while on the go (mainly with vscode by the way). I found this to be sweet spot of usability, while at home the laptop is in a bag, charging and waiting for the next outing. This way I can enjoy the niceties of having a big desktop PC (performance, a LOT of USB ports, a huge monitor).

      The reason I have the Apple laptop is mainly because of the lightness and battery life. No other machine comes close to it. For now I sort of treat it as a dumb terminal, so MacOS is not a big hassle for me (except for the insanely dumb window management). I will try to ditch MacOS as soon as Asahi Linux releases webcam and microphone support, because it is the only thing that is stopping me from using it.

      And yeah, the ugly truth is that once I damage the screen or the SSD fails, the whole thing becomes e-waste (and money-waste).

  • Your daily reminder that VSCode is shit not because of telemetry (take your time foil hat off for one second and hear me out and I say that jokingly with love) but because the extension marketplace is not allowed to be accessed by third party tools (INCLUDING CODIUM) and even then many of the extensions are proprietary, closed source. You’re not even allowed to distribute compiled VSIX files. It’s disgusting. Reading about the troubles gitpod faced that led to the (now) Eclipse Marketplace (idk the name, but it’s for VS Code plugins, don’t be tricked, it’s just owned by Eclipse foundation) is disheartening.

    • Oh shit really? I knew their debugger was locked down didn’t know extensions were

      Codium seems to have all the same extensions though, has someone else just setup their own marketplace?

      • Yeah, there is an open marketplace. It’s the one Codium uses by default. The problem is there’s no way for the controllers to just mirror everything because of the licenses. Also some of the extensions don’t work with Codium even if you download manually from the website because of bullshit like tweaking the name or whatever.

  • Neovim user here. Granted it takes some time to setup properly but it’s really fast with navigating through files, lsp functions and doing a search in thousands of files.

    I found vscode too slow and bloated for my taste.

    • Having come from full fat visual studio and using fairly fast machines VS code is a breeze to use.

      Though I can’t imagine it can compare to commandline stuff in that regard obviously

      Is there much reason to learn vim nowadays? I was under the impression it’s mostly around for people who got used to it back in the day

      • I’m in my 6th semester and use neovim so no it’s not mostly around for people who got used to it back in the day. A lot of my fellow students use it as well. It’s the only editor I use because you can use it to edit a single file as well as a whole project and everything is always how I want it to be. Also once you get used to it I guarantee you, you will wonder how people navigate code only using mouse and the arrow keys. It is just a beauty to quickly copy a code block or change a word with 3 keystrokes.

      • For me personally I am most productive in Neovim. But if you can’t be arsed to fiddle around with config files to get things set up it’s probably not worth the effort.

        Use what works best for you.

        • I think I’ll probably end up doing it regardless because I have a weird urge to make everything as difficult and custom as possible

          Got used to gnome, finally got it just how I liked it then threw it out for hyprland

  • This reminds me of when my dad holds an ideological belief about something based on politicians he doesn’t like who support it.

    “Climate change isn’t real because Al Gore…”

    “Supply Side Jesus isn’t valid because Al Franken…”

    “Affirmative Action is racist because Al Sharpton…”

    Actually now that I think about it, maybe he just doesn’t like people named Al…🤔

    But anyway, if it’s open source, and the source is sufficiently audited by third parties, and I’m able to compile and run it myself, and running it doesn’t have undesired behavior (telemetry etc) then I don’t care who wrote it, because it does exactly what I need it to.

    • Unfortunately VSCode is not an open-source product, it’s only based on an open-source product. It’s the difference between Chrome and Chromium. VSCode does have telemetry. VSCode is licensed under Microsoft’s proprietary license.