• It’s the very state in which the Nazis came to power the last time around as well.

      Not to be too gloomy here, but Germany regressing into this shit despite decades of very clear and open education on the atrocities committed by the third reich should be world news.

      This is a very bad situation and there are no solutions on the horizon.

        • Which will only serve to harden the resolve of their voter base. You can ban the AfD, just like the NPD was banned. But these people don’t simply go away and stop existing, just because the party they’re currently voting for vanished. Instead, in the current climate of conspiracy theories and outright coup attempts by these groups, they’ll take it as proof of them being oppressed and will radicalize further.

          I don’t think appeasement is the way, I simply don’t see an easy or simple solution to the political mess we’re in. Just like the AfD has zero solutions to the complex problems they pretend to be able to solve with “simple” solutions, none of the other parties have any functional approaches to dealing with the rise of the far right without alienating all those people that are supporting them.

          • First of all: the NPD was never banned, since it’s to small.

            Banning the AfD effectively destroys it and buys more time to really solve the problem. Banning parties can be very effective. The ban of the KPD was so effective that even 70 years later there isn’t any established communist party in Germany.

            • Well, I remembered that wrong. But I don’t believe that banning the AfD will solve anything short, mid- or longterm. Times are quite different today than there were 70 years ago, so that’s not a great comparison.

              I really wish there was an easy and complete solution to getting rid of the AfD and their ideology once and for all, or at least to a degree, where these kinds of parties don’t spring up again just a few years later to gain popularity once more.

              The resulting radicalization of their voter base would cause quite a bit of damage, I am sure.

      •  SitD   ( @SitD@feddit.de ) 
        51 year ago

        by now people who witnessed ww2 are an almost nonexistent minority and the modern people to replace them are unimaginative low iq blobs. it’s not like there’s a lack of information about that time in history. ☺️🖕 fuck afd