Pretend the $20 million is guaranteed, and if anything will increase slightly over time.

What problems could be significantly improved for $20 million?

(I am dreaming of winning the $1.55 billion Powerball drawling. Then taking the lumpsum, posting taxes, investing, and spending 4% each and every year. I understand that the actual may be more, or less than the started amount.)

  • I’d donate a quarter for 4 years to my city to create a biking network, with some smaller portion donated after the 4 years for maintenance.

    I’d almost certainly help the local schools get up to date teaching materials and try to supplement their income by literally just gifting them money. There’s only around 1000 teachers in my city, so it wouldn’t be too hard to do that.

    Obviously myself a senator and representative.

    Then idk. Get a personal chef and personal trainer?