• It isn’t in our nature as a species to unite and work together. The closest we got was COVID and even the threat of mass viral death only united us for about 2-3 weeks before people were starting fights over closed hair salons.

    •  deo   ( @deo@beehaw.org ) 
      59 months ago

      COVID really killed my faith in humanity, and it blindsided me. I truly believed people in general would come together in such a situation, but it just… didn’t happen. Giving people shit for wearing a mask? Or, heaven forbid, having the audacity to request someone wear a mask around you? Let’s not forget the people hoarding toilet paper like that’s an appropriate response. I know it sounds small in the grand scheme of things, but it requires a certain level of “fuck you, i got mine” to buy three-dozen rolls of TP when the shelves are already bare.

      • Same.

        There was a two-week period here in Kansas City where the city reopened without a mask mandate (one was later ordered prior to the 4th of July) and I went to the gym for the first time in two months.

        Zero masks. Zero people distancing. No one sanitizing after using the hand scanner to enter.

        That was my breaking point. I now expect the worst in people as a general rule.