This question is especially for people who have joined in the last week. Have you used other fediverse platforms or is this your first time really using one? What do you think of it so far? Are you aware that you can comment on Lemmy posts with a Mastodon account?

  •  aclarkc   ( ) 
    322 years ago

    I’d messed around with Mastodon, but Twitter was never my thing so it didn’t really stick. Lemmy is the first Fediverse thing that will likely see a lot of use from me.

    •  Cralex   ( ) 
      102 years ago

      This is my story as well. I follow a few accounts on Mastadon, but I find it much easier to connect with Lemmy. I joined Maston during the height of the Twitter crisis, and Lemmy earlier this week during the Reddit crisis.

    •  chaNcharge   ( ) 
      2 years ago

      I was never really into the idea of twitter and I really only lurk on a couple of people’s twitter accounts but the idea of reddit is good for me because I can find a community of people who like similar things as me easily and see what’s been popular. It’s also a decent news feed on the side.

    • Same here. I signed up just to get an account/handle in case I end up being more interested in sharing a “reach me at this username” blah blah but I never signed up for Twitter based on its initial inception concept of “post every second of every day!!! Isn’t this great!?!?” No. It isn’t. It’s a stupid concept and I hated the mentality of posting on your Facebook wall every day… why would I want to do that constantly?