The other thread about favorite mechanics is great, so let’s also do the opposite: what are some of your most hated mechanics?

  •  mtizim   ( ) 
    62 years ago

    3D 3rd person platforming. Any flavour of it. It consistently either sucks (souls games) or is just plain boring (the uncharted series). I’m sure there are some games where it’s done reasonably well (probably some sonic or mario game), but I’ve never seen that.

    • Pretty much every 3d mario game has nailed it pretty well, Super Mario Galaxy and Oddysey being my favorites. Sonic is very hit and miss, but i’ve heard good things about Sonic Frontiers. Kirby and the forgotten land is also very good. I haven’t played a hat in time but the gameplay looks phenomenal. The Crash Bandicoot series is also very decent.

    •  Lojcs   ( ) 
      32 years ago

      I think what sucks is platforming in 3D games that are not primarily platformers. I don’t think it has anything to do with 3rd person perspective. If anything, 3rd pp makes it easier to see exactly where your character (and their feet) is and how they can jump.

      A hat in time is a good platformer for instance

      •  mtizim   ( ) 
        32 years ago

        I don’t agree at all, I think it has to do everything with it being 3d.

        For any game, I don’t want to look at the thing I’m controlling often - I need to feel where I am, and not see where I am. Many 3rd person games break that for me - the camera-object distance is not fixed for various reasons (speed indication, avoiding a wall, motion smoothing), and that immediately breaks the feeling of control for me. Not to mention anything that takes control of the camera.

        With 1st person controls you always get perfect motion controls, a camera that cannot accidentally clip into walls, and motion smoothing does not exist. If a game is 1st person,you don’t need it to be desiged as a platforming game for its controls to be good for platforming - take a look at Minecraft or Counter Strike with their emergent gamemodes.

        I might be biased from the hundreds of hours of cs surf though.

        Having a quick look at how A Hat in a Time looks, I think I wouldn’t enjoy its platforming as well, as it seems to suffer from the same problems.