• Are Worf episodes even few? Seems like he’s just under Picard and Data in terms of focus. He gets to be the focus of a whole season ending two-parter and gets multiple arcs throughout the series. More then Troi, Geordie, and Crusher for sure.

    • There’s heart of Glory, sins of the father, redemption & birthright for worf and his heritage I think. And parallels which is just about worf.

      It’s not many unless I’m missing some.

      • My friend you’re missing many. After quick look-through I’m coming up with: The Bonding, Reunion, Ethics, A Fistfull of Data’s, Rightful Heir, Homeward, and Firstborn. Worf also gets a bunch of B-plot focus like In Family. He’s the opposite of Riker where he gets hardly any focus at the beginning of the series, but more and more as the series progresses.