A little while ago, I finally come out as trans to my friends. They’ve been wonderful, supportive, and encouraging. They were honestly the whole reason I finally was able to discover myself, especially my GF. But, and here’s the key, I’m in a very delicate living situation, I’m pretty poor, and I can’t reasonably just leave where I am and live somewhere else, not right now at least. Between the world and my rather transphobic family, I’m kind of stuck. I obviously can’t get more feminine clothing, hair, ANY makeup of any sort, or anything I really want to try. I don’t wanna make this a whole sob story or anything, so basically. Does anybody have some advice to FEEL more like a girl?

  •  Silvia   ( @Silvia@lemmy.world ) OP
    71 year ago

    My friends are pretty gay (affectionate) XD I’m not too good at finding “communities” of any sort, truth be told. I get nervous around big groups and don’t even get me STARTED on Discord. I never know how to get into the groove, since it feels like… No, I feel like I’m an intruder, even when the people are friendly enough. Thankfully, my current friend group is both surprisingly diverse in LGBT representation (me being the newest addition lol) and are incredibly kind. I think the only reason I posted here as opposed to the larger and more active Reddit is because it’s smaller and more… quiet??? I’m not sure how to say it, but I felt okay with posting here.

    • That’s understandable! I totally get you on the big discord communities. I was very much the same way… Until I found the one I’m on. And even then I felt like I was intruding for a while. I’m really happy you have good representation in your friend group though! 🥰