…care to contribute a link to their favorite site for an AI activity? I’d be really interested in seeing what’s out there, but the field is moving and growing so fast and search engines suck so hard that I know I’m missing out.

Cure my FOMO please!

  • Question: are you aware that most AI “art” is actually just cobbled together assets from human artists, often without permission from said artists?

    Serious question here. Genuinely wondering if you’re aware.

    Edit: I might’ve come across as rude. This was not intended and I apologize if it was.


    Edit 2:

    2023-11-11 – Was looking through some past comments and thought I’d edit this one with something important: I was wrong. The comments below mine taught me some important facts about AI art that I was not aware. These kind users took the time to educate me, and I appreciate that. AI art generation is a lot more nuanced than I gave it credit for. Please don’t be past Me. Past Me was kind of a dick for their original comment here, even if they didn’t fully mean to be.

      • Except I’m a sentient being; these so-called “AI” programs aren’t actually sentient. They have no self-awareness. It’s just a stream of IF/THEN statements with no actual awareness of said art.

        I feel that’s the difference. I have nothing against non-human art as a principle. When these “A.I.” programs actually gain self-awareness and then create art, then I will gladly consider it genuine art.

        • It’s just a stream of IF/THEN statements with no actual awareness of said art.

          Just like your brain neurons.

          You’re comparing different things. That’s not a valid, good-faith comparison.

          Conscience arises from a complex system. Just like generative data does - to a different degree.

        • Generative art allows more people to communicate with others in ways they couldn’t before, and to inspire and be inspired by others. The stuff people post online still requires creativity, curiosity, experimentation, and refinement. It also requires learning how to use new skills they may not have had to effectively use new tools that are rapidly evolving and improving to express themselves. Generative art is not a passive process, but an active one, where human artists get a chance to create something unique and meaningful.

          Think of it like a camera that that can navigate the multidimensional latent space filled with concepts that can give rise to novel digital art. In the real world you can up, down, left, right, in or out, but in a latent space not only can you go those places, you can go to where Muppets meets impasto. Like a camera, sometimes none of the things you capture are made by you, but you still choose how it’s captured and presented.

          You have a lot in common with Charles Baudelaire, even though you’re a hundred years apart from eachother.

          As the photographic industry was the refuge of every would-be painter, every painter too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies, this universal infatuation bore not only the mark of a blindness, an imbecility, but had also the air of a vengeance. I do not believe, or at least I do not wish to believe, in the absolute success of such a brutish conspiracy, in which, as in all others, one finds both fools and knaves; but I am convinced that the ill-applied developments of photography, like all other purely material developments of progress, have contrib­uted much to the impoverishment of the French artistic genius, which is already so scarce. It is nonetheless obvious that this industry, by invading the territories of art, has become art’s most mor­tal enemy, and that the confusion of their several func­tions prevents any of them from being properly fulfilled.

          -Charles Baudelaire, On Photography, from The Salon of 1859

          I believe that generative art, warts and all, is a vital new form of art that is shaking things up, challenging preconceptions, and getting people angry - just like art should. Generative art introduces new ways to fail that no one is ready for, so if you see someone post some malformed monstrosity somewhere, cut them some slack, they’re just learning. Remember there’s another person on the other end of the internet that was excited to share with you.

          Remember: It costs nothing to encourage an artist, and the potential benefits are staggering. A pat on the back to an artist now could one day result in your favorite film, or the cartoon you love to get stoned watching, or the song that saves your life. Discourage an artist, you get absolutely nothing in return, ever.

          ― Kevin Smith, Tough Shit: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good

          • Your comment definitely made me think, and I appreciate that, but at the risk of displaying ignorance, but in hopes of learning, I have to ask: doesn’t creating A.I. art just involved pressing “start” (effectively) on the human’s part?

            If so, then the only one actually “doing art” would be the A.I., and since the A.I. is not self-aware, it’s not actually an artist, just software gears-in-a-box pumping out a thing.

            I fully recognize what all I just said may be misconceptions, but that’s why I intentionally said it. If it’s wrong, I can learn; if it’s right, you can learn. No insult intended here.

            • A “lie” by definition is intentionally giving a falsehood knowing it’s a falsehood.

              Yeah, well you said this:

              are you aware that most AI “art” is actually just cobbled together assets from human artists

              Which isn’t a question at all, just a statement of fact disguised as an opinion, and a false one at that. Your only “question” is if the OP knew, which is a shitty and manipulative shaming tactic at best

              So don’t give my any crap about how you’re just asking questions or you “aren’t lying about anything because I could change my mind”

              • Which isn’t a question at all, just a statement of fact disguised as an opinion, and a false one at that. Your only “question” is if the OP knew, which is a shitty and manipulative shaming tactic at best

                I was genuinely just wondering if they were aware. There was no malice in my question. It was not intended as a shaming tactic at all. You’re reading way too much into this, frankly.

                or you “aren’t lying about anything because I could change my mind”

                Never said that’s why it wasn’t a lie. If you’re gonna give me shit for something, at least do it accurately.

                That being said, this is getting rather ridiculous, so I’m out. You have fun now.

    •  Squids   ( @Squids@sopuli.xyz ) 
      11 year ago

      I think people know, they just don’t give a shit because they think they’re entitled to have art and artists are arseholes for not giving them exactly what they want