Did anyone else have the experience that two downvotes on Reddit hurt more than the good feeling from getting100 upvotes? Or was that just me?

  • Or when you comment something and you get a rain of downvotes without even one person saying why they downvoted you.

    Yeah, I sometimes have stupid opinions. But how will I know why it’s stupid if all y’all do is downvote me? People here are very different and would actually talk to you and explain stuff. This is mainly why I’m much more active here.

    •  psudo   ( @psudo@beehaw.org ) 
      61 year ago

      This has a lot to do with the size of the community, at least for me. Often on Reddit I would have no idea if you were ever going to stick around to make the effort to correct you worthwhile, or if you were just someone that likes to argue endlessly because that’s how you get your entertainment. It just because easier to punish and move on that to try and correct.

      • I’m already starting to recognize some recurring usernames here, and on reddit that only happened for me in one (1) subreddit that was great albeit run by kind of a clique.