•  Platform27   ( @Platform27@lemmy.ml ) 
    9 months ago

    It applies to most business.

    1. You give a positive face to the market you’re in (Game Pass, Phil Spencer, pro-dev vibe, etc).
    2. You buy chunks of the market (Activ-Bliz-King is a massive chunk), while saying it’s good for the industry.
    3. You squeeze the company of its IP, while bleeding the market dry of money. All of which kills, or at least hurts that market.

    Right now, Micro$oft is in the Extend phase.

    • If you bring up Embrace, Extend, Extinguish, especially since we’re talking about Microsoft, that is not what it means, and your definition has issues, because if you’re buying a big company for a lot of money, the last thing you want to do is extinguish it.