I don’t wanna dive super deep into this, but ever since the news broke it feels like this place has become a hub for shit-flinging from literally everybody about the topic. Sure, I’ve seen some nuanced opinions and some people attempting to have a normal human conversation, but I just dislike people using this particular instance as the “place to be” to continue this endless flame war. Isn’t this counter to the goals of the instance? How many of us come here to argue like children about geopolitics?

Plus, a lot of the people I’ve seen pointlessly arguing about this have accounts from other instances… I’ve even seen one person post on their beehaw account, get flak for it, then switch to kbin for no reason.

And at the risk of sounding too conspiratorial, something definitely seems off about a lot of these comments. Maybe it’s how a lot just seem to be infodumping. I dunno.

It’s only been a few days. Maybe it’ll simmer down. But I don’t like the direction this is going.

Edit: I’m not recommending we censor political discussion, however in this particular instance I would say it’s wise to take a step back and think about what we say to each other

  •  bermuda   ( @bermuda@beehaw.org ) OP
    9 months ago

    Maybe we’re just seeing different posts? There’s one on c/world news right now where the OP is arguing with everybody who disagrees in pretty bad faith. Am I just seeing that because I’m on Jerboa? It’s still posted on beehaw from what I can tell

    • Which post? There’s the evacuation one on c/news on Beehaw which got a bit heated. It has a couple of bad faith comments by the OP. But even then most of the discussion seems to be good faith, even when they’re strongly disagreeing.

      I don’t see a world news community on Beehaw. Just news and USnews. Do you mind sharing the post or the community+server?

      (Also for the record, I use Connect. But I don’t know if it makes a difference.)