Right now, I’m playing the early access version of Baldurs Gate 3. I’m getting ready to put it down (frustrated: BG3 has the potential to be good, but without controller support, I’m getting really frustrated with the UI. ) and switch to Yakuza Like a Dragon.

What are you playing now and what are you looking forward to playing next?

  • Damn, that’s a lot of new games!

    How did you enjoy midnight suns? My interest kind of fizzled out after 10 or so hours. I got it because I love xcom but it can’t quite scratch that itch so far.

    •  zaktmt   ( @zaktmt@beehaw.org ) 
      11 year ago

      I think the Persona/Fire Emblem social aspects are the weakest parts of the game. But I really loved the gameplay and strategy. I think the plot is okay. If you don’t mind the comic book style of tacky in it. There is a lot to enjoy. But it’s not innovative by any means. I consider it a solid 8.5/10 kind of game though. I think playing on a handheld helped.