• I despise Discord. It’s an information black hole. Everything is closed off, unindexible, unscrapable, borderline unsearchable. If someone posts something useful on Discord, good luck finding it after a few months, let alone a few years. Meanwhile, I can find forum posts with useful info from over a decade ago. If Discord the company dies, everything on the platform dies with it. There’s no internet archive for Discord.

    It has a place as a chat app, but its use goes far beyond that. Some subreddits used it as a Reddit replacement, companies use it for tech support, and entire apps are built around it (eg. MidJourney).

    • I despise Discord for being centralized and spying on people. And sometimes holding people’s accounts hostage until they dox themselves.

      I much prefer IRC and XMPP. Light, selfhostable and not obeying by some single big company’s rules. And Mumble for voice calls.