This is also something that i find to be important to post about because I played the game personally and it is one of my favorite rpgs. I also think the witcher 3 was one of the most influential games of last decade and something like this deserves its own thread.

    • ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I’ll try.

      I’m a huge fan of the original Witcher books, and the games and the show just don’t feel the same, with the first game straight up lifting the lines and the plot from the books for a supposedly completely different story, and the show completely missing the point of the saga. I’ve actually started playing the 2 about a year ago, but left it after the few initial missions because I just wasn’t feeling it. I went back to give it a try because everyone’s been praising it as a good game, and I’m trying to look at it as a fantasy RPG set in its own universe. I’ll see how it goes this time.

      •  Los   ( ) 
        11 year ago

        The show really entangles the plot a lot more than the game. I found the show hard to watch with all the not signaled time traveling with jump cuts. Even though I’ve seen most of the plot covered from the game.