I don’t really have much to say… it kind of speaks for itself. I do appreciate the table of contents so you don’t get lost in the short paragraphs though

  • I figured out this manifesto exists because somebody from the EFF posted: “Nothing depresses me like the knowledge that I am going to have to spend some of my precious workday reading a manifesto.” So expect a lot of sanity damage.

    (Read the opening, yep, got 1d8 from that already. I’m raising the ‘the invention of letters was a mistake’ flag).

      •  froztbyte   ( @froztbyte@awful.systems ) 
        1 year ago

        yep, it’s in there

        To paraphrase a manifesto of a different time and place: “Beauty exists only in struggle. There is no masterpiece that has not an aggressive character. Technology must be a violent assault on the forces of the unknown, to force them to bow before man.”

      •  Soyweiser   ( @Soyweiser@awful.systems ) 
        1 year ago

        Sorry I have no idea who you are talking about here. I was referring to Eva. (I saw her post and went ‘wonder what that could be about’ and then I saw this here and everything fell into place).

        Anyway, more ontopic, I wonder if this a sign our ‘20th century 2.0’ replay has arrived at the futurist art movement? Or if that ship has long sailed and was more started by Land in the 90’s.

        This time the art sucks.

        (Edit: Guess you were talking about Marc)