The increasing popularity of ultra-heavy SUVs in England means a conventional-engined car bought in 2013 will, on average, have lower carbon emissions than one bought new today, new research has found.

The study by the climate campaign group Possible said there was a strong correlation between income and owning a large SUV, which meant there was a sound argument for “polluter pays” taxes for vehicle emissions based on size.

  •  Rambler   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    Good point. Let’s make every new passer drive an old banger for a year - I’m absolutely fed up of monkey-lipped young girls forcing me to my side of the road because they can’t fucking negotiate the width of their fucking tractors!

    Sorry for the rant, but I drive a classic - and it fucking riles me - every day ! I used to enjoy driving - now it’s a daily nightmare.