Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • I got an apple watch, just can’t be bothered , I like to be as low tech as possible, like to keep the work for my brain simple and with few steps

    so, it’s a nice day and I’m going for a longish walk, I have no idea how many steps I’ll be doing but walking in the mild sun is good, that much I know :) I do about 10 hours of walking a week, I might not be fast, I might not get puffed but it’s better than driving

    • Your watch will tell you how many you do. Before I’d walk everywhere without thinking too much about it. Now I walk with a bit of pace to get my heart rate up because after doing some research I found walking isn’t really exercise, it’s just living. If you set it up then trust me it will help you on your health journey.

      • I’m not going on any journey at all, let alone a health journey 🙄🙄🙄 fuck I hate the word journey with a passion. My aim is to relieve stress and ease tension in my back muscles. I also like to take a relaxing walk and look at the world around me .

        I know how the watches work 🙄🙄🙄 I also know there is no fucking way in hell I’m hooking my shit up to the net, it’s why I threw my fitbit away