Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • WELL, after a very hectic morning and cutting it very fine, I’ve managed to do 90% of what I needed to (no time to grab fresh bread from Woodfrog, sorry mum - and no time to mop the floors)

    Got to bag drop with 20 minutes to spare, blessed with no traffic, weight all good, waiting for takeoff. I know I’ve been craving sun and warmth but it’s like 32 feels like 36 and 85% humidity over there ahahahahaha fuck me I’ll be living in air-conditioning most likely 🥵

    About to takeoff, I’ll hopefully be spamming the DT a bit less and trying to have a life while I’m away - and stuffing myself stupid with food.

  •  bull⚡   ( @bull@aussie.zone ) 
    1211 months ago

    I’m going to test drive an Outback Touring XT tomorrow to see if I like it.

    I am genuinely sad to think about giving up my purple car. We’ve been through a lot together and I just realised it was with me through my entire 30’s. It has seen friends and lovers come and go. It has seen highways, backroads, mountains, ocean roads, ferries, muddy trails, snow, sun and everything in between. It was there for the best times and the worst times. It has been laughed in, cried in, sung in, dined in, and has sat with me during countless moments of quiet contemplation. Most of all it has never once let me down but sadly I think it’s time for some other lucky person to enjoy it.

    Bathe in its magnificence.

  • I just want to be loaded. Or at least more well off.

    I’d move somewhere else of my choice, nicer area, maybe even with an Aldi really close by. Have a real vegetable garden (hiring help if needed) and share the produce with other people. A bottom mount fridge freezer for meal prep. A big catio and/or catproofing so Miss Moo can sunbathe and play in grass without absconding.

    A garage or shed to paint in and enough privacy to play music/sing/learn an instrument if I chose. A fire pit and a zone with times where it’s allowed.

    Get less stressed and work on my health.

    Above all I’d just like to afford to move out of this neighbourhood and not be squeezed in with other people. I just want to live in peace and be left the fuck alone.

    • My idea of “making it” is being able to live somewhere where you have choice of train, bus and tram.

      But in general I agree, I’d like to be able to live with my partner instead of living at home with my mum. I mean I never really had a plan past 18 except a general idea (depression sucks) but I hate being 28 and living at home. While I’m happy that she didn’t kick me out once I turned 18 but still.

  • First red one!

    I remember with my ex a few moons ago giving her a bunch of these and she was dissapointed I didn’t buy them. She then went on to say ‘jeez they last a lot longer than the florist ones’. Like no shit. I’m still bitter about that.

    • How’d you go?

      My psych got me to start slow with them, and like as a reminder, they aren’t a cure sadly. You still have to do everything but you’ll actually get motivated.

      Though when going on higher doses, please keep note of your emotions. I went up to 5 ritalin a day and it was like instant depression (and I already have regular depression). Instantly went back to 4 and I was fine. So keep note of how you are feeling when it comes to that.

      But this is exciting! I’m so happy for you!

      • Thank you! Cheers for sharing your experience and tips. I dropped a 40mg Vyvanse around 10am, had no idea what to expect. Nothing really happened, but I reckon I was more focused on the backlog of work emails as the day went on. All done :)

        • That’s great to hear! I imagine you’re taking a long acting one?

          I usually take mine at 8am and then sleep for about an hour. Because stimulant meds take into effect about 45mins to an hour after you’ve taken them. I’ve heard that it’s best to not have food while you take the meds, I usually don’t eat an hour before or after because I’ve heard that it dulls it, but I also have eaten within that two hours and have been fine. Also it’s recommended to also not drink vitamin c or ascorbic acid drinks/food within an hour before and after you’ve taken your meds, basically the science behind it is that stimulant medication are alkaline and cannot be absorbed. So any high dose of vitamin c essentially acts an “off” switch.

          So I usually drink apple juice or such instead, or have orange juice hours after I’ve taken my meds. It’s annoying but I’d rather sacrifice two hours of no drink + food than not have motivation and dopamine.

          • Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m on day two of 40mg Vyvanse, taken on an empty stomach at 10am both days. Can’t say I’ve noticed a distinct change yet but in hindsight I think I did get quite a bit done yesterday instead of procrastinating online!

  • Mostly packed, bed is nice and fresh, but I seem to have dislodged a lot of dust as even my air purifier sensed it (the sensors on those things aren’t always the best) and thank goodness for that air purifier busily filtering out that dust that I would’ve just breathed in for weeks otherwise.

    Not having a weighing scale is anxiety inducing. Pray that I stay within the luggage limit. goodnight.

  • Fridge delivery day today! It is much needed, as my fridge is overflowing at the moment and there is no way it can cope with summer garden produce and meal prep. The plan is for the new fridge to hold preserves and fruit & veg for storage, while the main fridge has the day to day stuff and meal prep. Hopefully my future will contain a lot less fridge tetris.

    Once the fridge is unpacked I can spend some quality time with a tape measure and the Kmart website ordering some new containers. This should be the last bit of shopping for my little organisation spree. It will probably have to be, as I’m nearly out of money!

  • Had the urge to reread Harry Potter so put the audiobook on since I already have too many books on the go, and jebus christ I don’t remember it being that bad. The last time I would have read the series was in high school 10 years ago, and maybe nostalgia was clouding my judgement, but the writing is just awful.

  • I keep meaning to read and catch up on everyone’s life but I get so busy that by the time I remember it’s bed time.

    But my planner came in today, super excited but oh my God Auspost are something else (not new lbr). But I got the “hey your parcel has been delivered” app message. I’m excited, I check it and see … That’s not my work. It’s a photo of a door and some light brick and I’m like ??? Huh? So I took off during my lunch break walking up and down near where work is to see if there’s a house that matches the bricks or door but I get nothing.

    Until I think “maybe they’ve dropped it off at 11 instead of 18”. I’ve put down that the address is 18 unit 11 because work is in an office suite. 11 on my street is a retirement village, also private property. Luckily there was a guy coming out to walk his dogs and I asked him if it was okay to go in there (because I’ve never had to visit retirement homes) and mentioned the misplaces package. He tells me where reception is, I go there, a tradie helps me and tells me where 18 in the unit section is, I go out and a woman who works there said the package is actually in the reception area.

    So I was able to grab it. But like Jesus Christ, I’m also in pain because #chronicpain4life, and I wasted half an hour of my lunch break because some idiot couldn’t understand that I put the correct information in. I just, ugh.

  • For the longest time I thought Apple watches were just really obnoxious…but I ended up getting a good deal on the new SE model so I bought it and I hate to say it but…I love this thing! And especially cause I work out so much - it’s been so satisfying seeing my workout data in real time.

      •  bull⚡   ( @bull@aussie.zone ) 
        311 months ago

        I bought a Garmin vivoactive 4 a while back and I never wear it because the screen sucks as a normal watch :(

        I’ve been contemplating buying one of the newer watches because I saw them with their screens on at JB HiFi and they looked incredible. They were the Samsung ones I think. Just another toy to waste money on though. I should sell some stuff.

    • I got an apple watch, just can’t be bothered , I like to be as low tech as possible, like to keep the work for my brain simple and with few steps

      so, it’s a nice day and I’m going for a longish walk, I have no idea how many steps I’ll be doing but walking in the mild sun is good, that much I know :) I do about 10 hours of walking a week, I might not be fast, I might not get puffed but it’s better than driving

      • Your watch will tell you how many you do. Before I’d walk everywhere without thinking too much about it. Now I walk with a bit of pace to get my heart rate up because after doing some research I found walking isn’t really exercise, it’s just living. If you set it up then trust me it will help you on your health journey.

        • I’m not going on any journey at all, let alone a health journey 🙄🙄🙄 fuck I hate the word journey with a passion. My aim is to relieve stress and ease tension in my back muscles. I also like to take a relaxing walk and look at the world around me .

          I know how the watches work 🙄🙄🙄 I also know there is no fucking way in hell I’m hooking my shit up to the net, it’s why I threw my fitbit away