I don’t really have much to say… it kind of speaks for itself. I do appreciate the table of contents so you don’t get lost in the short paragraphs though

  • It’s midnight and I’m procrastinating sleep. I’m goin’ in. Pray for me.

    “The myth of Prometheus … haunts our nightmares” – personally my worst nightmare involved Hamtaro. Don’t ask. His nightmares sound weird too.

    “We should raise everyone to the energy consumption level we have, then increase our energy 1,000x, then raise everyone else’s energy 1,000x as well.” – so this is basically some sort of weird ecological death cult right?

    “We believe in the Silicon Valley code of “pay it forward”” – well that certainly isn’t the first code I’d expect Silicon Valley to steal…

    “Our enemy is… that. We aspire to be… not that.” – Poignant. I’m touched by these poetic words :')

    And finally… oh god his patron saints are named BasedBeffJezos and BayesLord? Thanks I hate it.