Did anyone else have the experience that two downvotes on Reddit hurt more than the good feeling from getting100 upvotes? Or was that just me?

  • In general dealing with piracy or tech recommendations I found downvote very useful, since a comment could suggest something that was potentially malicious. And with only the ability to upvote it could have caused something to get boosted to get visibility.

    It’s same with youtube. Some equated removal of dislike visibility an attempt to try to stop brigading, but downvote visbility had lot of value when it came to looking for a youtube video I was intending to use for educational purposes and not waste time. Especially tech related once that involved going to links or entering in commands into terminal.

    Therefore, I’ve found there to be more value when it comes to potential safety and time saving than the emotional aspect.

    • I would also add there’s some inherent inertial component to upvotes. A submission that gets a few upvotes quickly will easily get more upvotes over time because it’s more likely to float into visibility by other people, ultimately regardless of veracity.

      As the saying goes, everything on the news is supposedly 100% true until it is about a subject matter one is an expert one.