• It’s not misleading at all. You are the one (along with the author) who simply thinks that there is some objective percentage amount required (which apparently you don’t think they clear) before you can take credit for the positive impacts you cause.

    “Zoos aren’t spending enough of their money on conservation” is not a refutation of, “The money that zoos do generate for conservation is both significant and important”.

    • One other thing that zoos do that has always struck me as important is put certain species essentially in protective custody (gorillas and condors come to mind). Condors were able to recover in the wild BECAUSE zoos served as a protected gene bank for the species. Is this ideal? Fuck no! Ideal would be idiots didn’t fucking wipe out condors in the wild. When a human being is in protective custody, it probably sucks but it will save your life from other piece of shit human beings if you ever need it! Let’s focus on the fact that the world is such that we’ve had to do this with whole species of animals because of shitty human reasons BEFORE we start Karening at zoos because of some armchair ass pseudo-vegan principles from some privileged ass hipsters. I mean… we live in a world of poaching, deforestation, factory farms, ocean acidification and global warming and THIS is the hill you’re gonna die on? Fuck off.