The only justification for not doing this is protectionism. Starmer is placing party above country. We can see how damaging the Tories are. I do not want to see their likes again.

  •  HumanPenguin   ( ) 
    9 months ago

    I used to agree. But over the years i have seen any value totally troubced by party politics.

    Few local citizens have any real representation willing to listen under fptp today of much in the last 20 or so years.

    STV or others may improove that with multi MPs. But its hard to see we are lossing anything real with the current system.

    Any improovement need different pilitical motive then we have now. MPs think of representation as soldiers in a war. Ready to be sacrificed for the party line. Or there ow. Career. We need politicians who stand for local ideals first. Then party based on those local voters will.

    Sorry late rant got me there