The only justification for not doing this is protectionism. Starmer is placing party above country. We can see how damaging the Tories are. I do not want to see their likes again.

  •  jabjoe   ( ) 
    99 months ago

    The best system looks to be Mixed Member PR. Like Germany and New Zealand. Keeps a form of local MPs lost with raw PR, while dealing with the democratic failing of raw FPTP.

        •  Syldon   ( ) OP
          89 months ago

          I call BS. Many MPs are parachuted into areas just because it is a safe seat. I currently have a MP who I really think is nothing more than a grifter, and yet I will be forced to vote for her as the alternative is a Tory win.

          •  jabjoe   ( ) 
            49 months ago

            Safe seats and Gerrymandering absolutely do undermine the concept of local MPs and FPTP. But I have written to my local MP a number of times and yes, mostly it’s political stuff that gets a generic response. BUT the one time it was about an unjust parking ticket, she did successfully cancel it. The big bad beast of politics do make a mockery of it, but there are plenty of hardworking MPs who do their job for their constituencies.

            If we only had national MPs, who do you write to about local matters? I’ve never been to a local MP surgery, but if I was in some kind of trouble I might.

            •  Syldon   ( ) OP
              29 months ago

              I have written to mine twice in the 13 years she has been in post. It was not a good experience with both events. She is as local as you can get, she used to live in my street till she moved out of the city. The problem with MPs is there is no accountability. You only have to look at how Dorries took the piss. There would be no loss by having an MP from further afield. Having one from your local area is not a guarantee they will be any better either.

              •  frog 🐸   ( ) 
                29 months ago

                Same with my MP. He’s lived in this town his whole life, and I’ve known him (distantly) since I was 11, when he and my dad briefly worked together. They were actually friends for a while, as they shared a lot of beliefs, both political and otherwise. And we’re now at the point that even my dad calls the guy useless. In fact I have not heard anyone say anything positive about him in the last 10 years, which makes it extra puzzling that he got over 50% of the vote in 2019. That’s some serious passion for a guy that, seemingly, everyone and their dog knows is a slippery, incompetent hypocrite. Electoral Calculus still give him close to 50/50 odds of winning the next election too. I genuinely do not know what the appeal of this guy is.

                One of the PR systems that maintains a geographic connection, like having larger constituencies with multiple MPs, would work just fine for me. If I could have a Labour or Lib Dem MP that’s a bit further afield, but whose political leanings and moral character were more in tune with my own, I’d feel so much more comfortable contacting them.

                •  Syldon   ( ) OP
                  29 months ago

                  I have gave this a lot of thought. This one of the better solutions I have seen pushed, imo. Each party can see how many MPs they have allocated by vote share. They can then assign them by area. The leading party can choose which areas they represent first. There would have to be some sort of system to prevent say Labour cockblocking support in a known Tory area and vice versa, but I actually think this would most likely sort it self. Every area you try to grab from an opponent means your opponent will be in a constituency that wanted you there.

        •  HumanPenguin   ( ) 
          9 months ago

          I used to agree. But over the years i have seen any value totally troubced by party politics.

          Few local citizens have any real representation willing to listen under fptp today of much in the last 20 or so years.

          STV or others may improove that with multi MPs. But its hard to see we are lossing anything real with the current system.

          Any improovement need different pilitical motive then we have now. MPs think of representation as soldiers in a war. Ready to be sacrificed for the party line. Or there ow. Career. We need politicians who stand for local ideals first. Then party based on those local voters will.

          Sorry late rant got me there

  • I really hate the claim that PR will mean we wont see the tories again.

    Honestly it will mean we will see less tory only govs. But greater the. None. And likely many tory lead mixed governments.

    I stronly support PR. But lets not make non valid claims about the end of tory rule.

    •  scrchngwsl   ( ) 
      9 months ago

      It’s also a deeply unprincipled argument. If you support PR on principle then you should support it even if it means Tory governments for the rest of time. If you only support it because it means “your side” gets in power more often then that’s no different from Starmer supporting FPTP because it means “his side” gets into power more often.

    •  jabjoe   ( ) 
      39 months ago

      Absolutely. Same is true of any thing too far left too. PR keeps things more centred. Sure far right and far left may acturally get some seats, but their power will only ever be proportional. Right now, with Conservatives and FPTP, we have far right in power. Yet the country’s majority are progressive.

    •  Syldon   ( ) OP
      19 months ago

      You would not see a batch of Tories like the current one. The whole push behind PR atm is the current corruption in the Tories. For the Tories to have any power base they would have to change. Their extreme right factions would not be tolerated. Hence:

      I do not want to see their likes again.

      PR voting is an empowerment. People take a lot more interest when they feel their vote matters. Lying to your voter base would be highlighted a lot more.

  • Disagree. PR means no local support. PR means city, particularly London, centred politics. That’s already bad enough - look at HS2 which was supposed to be for the north, but has ended up being an upgrade between London and Birmingham only.

    The fairest system is some sort of ranked choice, you can vote for the party you agree with most, without risking ‘wasting’ your vote and still get local representation.

    • London currently has 73 MPs out of 650 (11.2%) when they have 9mil out of 67million people (13.2%).

      So guess you’re right that they’d get stronger representation.

      However on the other hand, people like the Green party got 2.7% of the vote in 2019 while only getting 0.15% of the seats.

      Some voices get stronger, but it’s not just cities.