My wife and I have always wanted to have a dog and out of an interesting turn of events, we have the opportunity to adopt a 2 year old dog that a family friend cannot take care of anymore (they developed an illness that radically saps their energy).

Super excited but a little worried about making sure the doggo is taken care of properly. We’ll have to drive him back in our car for 3h30 and we have an old overly-affectionate cat.

What do people think? Any tips? Relevant stories? Give me your thoughts and have an awesome day!🙂

  •  PerogiBoi   ( ) OP
    411 months ago

    Sounds like our cat when any other dog is in the house haha. Maybe in a year or so they’ll warm up to each other but as long as they’re okay I’m happy.

    Sorry to hear about the late night bathroom bouts. That’s what we’re expecting although his owners have him trained to tap a door when he wants to go out so here’s hoping we have an easier time. Appreciate the advice!