Many on the Latte Left facilitated this new era of fascist censorship. Remember when people didn’t care that folks who were accurately assessing the situation between Ukraine and Russia were targeted and silenced?

  • Their “self governance” was disrupted by a coup with support from the West. The actually elected democratic government was dissolved, and the Russian ethnic minority was against this.

    As for self determination, why don’t ethnically Russian people in Crimea or the Donbass region get to have self determination? The majority sure seem to hate the new government and support Russia.

    So! Russia wants territory and Ukraine wants territory. A reasonable compromise would be UN monitored referendums on the question for the people living in those places, with both sides agreeing to respect democratic decision making.

    Compromise is possible. Give peace a chance.

    • Not going to keep repeating myself. See my response above. TL;DR: you’re presenting a false equivalence and the self-determination argument on the Russian side is tainted by their 2014 invasion and the meddling they’ve done since then to build this so called “native” ethnic Russian coalition.

      As for giving peace a chance, I agree with you there. Russia should pull all of their troops from all Ukranian regions and stop attacking its neighbor. It’s the aggressor. Ukranians have zero reason to negotiate peace with a hostile foreign invader.

      • Ukranians have zero reason to negotiate peace with a hostile foreign invader.

        They might want to avoid becoming another forever war like Iraq or Afghanistan. Avoiding more bloodshed is, itself, a good reason.

        There’s a reason there were negotiations before the US put a stop to it.

        I think you’re being overly moralist and not really looking at this materially.